Our homework assignment for the past month has been to complete the monthly Colored Pencil Magazine Challenge, which for the month of November was a photograph of Christmas bows. In the beginning, I wasn't too excited about the prospect. However, once I started, the bows were a lot of fun. I decided to crop the image because the entire picture depicted many bows, and I preferred to do fewer bows and make each bow larger.
I really enjoyed the vibrant colors of the bows. I found sketching them out to be tedious but once it came to blocking in the colors and highlights I began to enjoy the project a lot more. The black paper really made the colors appear even more bright, although in turn I wasn't able to push the highlights as much as I would have liked.
The most challenging bows were the metallic colored ones. While I have both a gold pencil and a silver pencil, they were both darker than the shades shown in the photograph. I added white to both, but that diminished the metallic qualities. In the end, the gold and silver bows were somewhat metallic looking, but not to the extent that I'd desired.